This season of 2009 had to be one of the most bland seasons I've ever watched. There was no personality in the league at all. Everything has been deflated and boring. Sure Yankees fans can rejoice that their over half a billion dollars worth of acquisitions have paid off, but how could you even consider them a team? It's basically just a stacked all star team minus the shitty bullpen other than Rivera. Back when they were winning in the 90's I have to hand it to them, they were a real team. A team of close knit players who knew each other well. I look at their team now and not one of the players seems to fit with one another, and I feel like once the games are over they probably aren't even friendly to each other.
There is a fire missing, one that doesn't seem to come up. There were hardly any brawls this year, and when the Red Sox were playing the Yankees the games were very bland and the tension wasn't there.
I'm a Red Sox Fan, the blood of Red Sox Nation flows through my veins. I live for the postseason play and refuse to do any work while the Red Sox are still in it. This year was different, even the Red Sox didn't have any fire.
While everyone is embittered by Manny and his assholed-ness at least he brought some flavor to an otherwise bland squad. Manny had at-bats that just generated electricity in the stands and you felt like you were watching something special every time. He also would add the suspense any time a routine pop-fly was hit into left field. Ever since Manny has been gone David Ortiz hasn't been the same. The dominant force he was at the plate hasn't shown in the last two seasons at all. Papi's large and bright smile has dimmed since Manny has gone to L.A.
Two other players on the team in 2009 with great personalities, are Jason Bay and J.D. Drew. They are both the most bland people I have ever seen in my life before. I'm pretty sure they are just robots, except I feel that Robots may try a little harder than J.D. Drew does, well at least if they are programmed well. They are great players, but they just aren't interesting, and seem passionless. Even Youk didn't seem to be angry enough this year. I miss the days when he would strike out and throw his helmet and piss everyone off in the dugout.
Point is, this season just wasn't that interesting to watch as a fan. The league needs the Pedro's, the Shilling's, the Manny's and the rest of the shit talkers. The media and the games feed off of it and it makes the games far more interesting when shit talking is involved. In my mind nothing will ever compare to the 2004 season. There was a lot of drama, the Yanks and Sox hated each other more that year than I had ever seen before. Everyone on the Sox fit together so well and had great personalities. Even though Bellhorn was on that team, I would take the 2004 Red Sox over any other Red Sox team in my lifetime. Nothing will get any better than that. Unless they had KG on their team.

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